Wizard with a Gun

The graphics of Wizard with a Gun make it look like Don't Starve, but don't be fooled - it's much more of a shooty roguelike than a homebase survival game. That's not a bad thing though, it's a very satisfying roguelike shooter with a GREAT progression system in the form of researching new and better bullet types for your spell gun. The world has collapsed, and the aim of the game (I think?) is to wind back time further by collecting gears for a big clock so you can prevent / find out what happened. The combat is really satisfying and there's a huge range of playstyles available with lots of different gun and bullet variations.


  • Good music
  • Good controls
  • You can scan objects to get recipes
  • Looks like Don't Starve
  • You create spells, and load them into your wizard gun
  • You build things with a furniture gun
  • The game is based around a permanent hub, and you venture out on missions into The Shatter, which resets every time. While you're out there, you find ancient gears to replace a giant wheel to turn back time, which allows you to explore for longer before the world ends
  • The spells (bullets) you can craft have different elemental effects
  • Big research trees. You start by just researching a fire bullet, but that unlocks a fire sorcerer research table with lots more things like burn time and explosions
  • Production items like the furnace can use items from attached chests
  • You can pin tasks to remind yourself what to build
  • In addition to bullet types, you can also add powders to guns, which can increase area of effect, bullet speed, add trails, and make them target-seeking
  • A Ground Gun that lets you place different kinds of floor tiles
  • All pieces of equipment can be enchanted. Enchants are unlocked by scanning enemies
  • 2 player coop


  • Not sure whether this is good or bad, but using a certain kind of gun (fire, ice, electric etc) drops research components for that magic school when you kill things. So you're very much encouraged to use only bullets from a certain school of magic instead of being able to try lots of different things
  • The timer doesn't stop when looking at your inventory or talking to NPCs
  • Even though there are lots of things to research, it felt repetitive very quickly