The Room Two

The Room Two continues in a very similar vein to the first game, with some slightly nicer graphics, and a larger space for puzzles. Rather than puzzles being entirely self contained within a single box on a table, in this game they branch out slightly and you're usually working on a puzzle that happens in several places in a room. This is nice, but does mean that sometimes the puzzle is just working out where to look, rather than thinking about what to solve. There are some lovely set pieces though. As before, really high polish and attention to detail. The environments are beautiful, and it was marginally more challenging than the first game. Finished in 2.5 hours.


  • Looks better than the first game
  • More varied environments. The little pirate ship was beautiful
  • There's a little more story revealed here too, and the game is definitely much darker (thematically, and physically) than the first
  • Lore fragments hidden in letters throughout the puzzles


  • Puzzles are no longer self contained to a single object, so sometimes the thing you need is somewhere else in the room
  • Some things you need are so well hidden they look like background scenery