
Released: 6 Sep 2023
Reviewed: 3 Oct 2023
Platform: PC

Starfield is mostly what I expected - a little more, a little less. Much as when Fallout 4 came out and I was happy with it because it was Fallout 3 but newer, I see Starfield as the same again. It's a Bethesda game in space, with the same engine they've been using since Skyrim in 2011. To borrow from my No Man's Sky review; with space games you can choose to hand-craft a small number of planets and make them memorable, or make the universe huge, procedurally generated and meaningless. Starfield is also the latter; of it's 1000+ planets, there are only a handful of memorable locations. I enjoyed the time I spent with it, but look forward to playing it again once modders have made it better.




New Game + spoilers

The mechanic they've chosen to use for NG+ makes sense within the law, but is very divisive. When you reach the end of the main quest, you can choose whether to start a new universe. If you do, you lose everything except your level, skill points and space powers. There are 24 powers in the game, 1 temple for each power in each universe, each power has 10 levels. Levelling all powers up is entirely unnecessary (because after about level 50, everything dies in one hit anyway), but naturally the fact that this system exists makes a subset of people want to do it. To max all powers, you have to play the game 10 times, and collect each of the 24 temples 10 times each. 

There's also a set of armour you're given at the start of each universe, which changes appearance and gains power up to +10. If you want the cool looking armour, you have to play the main quest (the short version) 10 times.

If you're going to start a new universe, it basically makes settlement building and collecting anything other than credits and medkits pointless

When you start a new universe, where did my ship and armour come from? Did I just materialise in another universe? In what time period?


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