
Released: 6 Sep 2023
Reviewed: 3 Oct 2023
Platform: PC

Starfield is mostly what I expected - a little more, a little less. Much as when Fallout 4 came out and I was happy with it because it was Fallout 3 but newer, I see Starfield as the same again. It's a Bethesda game in space, with the same engine they've been using since Skyrim in 2011. To borrow from my No Man's Sky review; with space games you can choose to hand-craft a small number of planets and make them memorable, or make the universe huge, procedurally generated and meaningless. Starfield is also the latter; of it's 1000+ planets, there are only a handful of memorable locations. I enjoyed the time I spent with it, but look forward to playing it again once modders have made it better.

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