Everafter Falls

I'm surprised that this one hasn't picked up a *little* more traction. It's a good addition to the cosy farming genre and I certainly rate it higher than some others. That being said, it is rough around the edges, controls aren't great (on Deck or PC) and the RNG for museum drops is ridiculous. It does, however, do a bunch of things differently to Stardew Valley in a way that actually feels original rather than just "to be different to Stardew", such as support drones, a combat pet, cards to gain skills, and bug catching. It's been a great game to play on the Deck - but not particularly well balanced, and it's very buggy. Do not play if you are a completionist; many drops are 0.1% or less.


  • Pixies can auto-gather resources for you
  • You can use your fishing rod to grab resources that are out of reach
  • A huge museum
  • Critter catching with a bugnet, and hatching things in terrariums
  • No relationships or present giving (good and bad depending on your views)
  • Your pet digs and waters things (although it's extremely slow, so get going on those water drones)
  • The dungeon progression is pretty nice, and there are bosses for each dungeon
  • Fish you put in the huge aquarium are all on display
  • You can track characters if you need to find someone
  • Support drone can be used for extra inventory space, damage or healing
  • Skills come in the form of eating cards
  • Gear drops are randomised, and have stats like attack damage, speed, movement speed and luck


  • While I like the content, I feel like I'm constantly fighting with the controls
  • It's full of minor bugs, and hasn't been patched in 4 months
  • Pickup radius of items is tiny
  • Completing the museum is going to take forever for a number of reasons. For example, all fish can spawn in any location at any time of the day during any season - which means if you're missing something specific, good luck trying to get that. Several fish in the game have less than a 0.1% chance to show up
  • You can’t delete buildings, so I’m stuck with two extra coops I don’t want
  • Over-reliance on tree sap, which takes ages to get
  • Pixies also seem to be a necessity to reduce the grind, but are also rare and hard to get
  • The controls are weird


  • The buttons for teleporting and sending your pet home only appear about half of the time you open the inventory
  • I died just as I killed the first boss. I got the cursed rune as a drop and from Atlas, ending up with two
  • After talking to a character on one day, I couldn’t swing my sword anymore 
  • Gear that gives +1 Skilled Merchant only works once you have a Skilled Merchant card, but that doesn’t apply to things like Pet Training
  • Once you’ve unlocked the two map shortcuts, the tracking system won’t use them to direct you to a character you're tracking
  • 90% of the time, letters usually are still marked as “unread” after you’ve read them
  • The baby bird in Daisy’s animal shop that has different requests each day just disappeared one day
  • When you expand your pet’s inventory to 8 slots, only the original 4 have the paw icon
  • If you add a mod to your fishing rod to have 3 rings, then you fish and you fail to get it in the innermost ring, you only get the one fish from the outer ring instead of also getting the one from the middle ring