Batman™: Arkham Origins

If you liked Arkham City and want more of the same, get this in your library. It's another great batman experience that builds on Arkham City in small ways, set before the previous two games to explain how Batman met Joker.


  • Finally there's a way to glide across the city and continue gliding without landing
  • New gadgets, like a line launcher you can use to attach enemies to each other, or launch explosive barrels at them
  • New martial artist enemy type (and all the others return)
  • I enjoyed the story - it does a really good job of being a prequel to Arkham Asylum
  • The combat, on the whole, (although identical to the first two games) still feels fluid and satisfying when you get it right. When you get interrupted or make mistakes though, it can be pretty frustrating
  • Lots of upgrades
  • Several good boss fights
  • Riddler trophies, if you're into that
  • Lots of open world content that doesn't get in the way of the main story


  • Joker isn't voiced by Mark Hamill
  • One of the bosses disappeared in the middle of the fight and had to reload
  • The last boss fight is just really annoying